Exercise & Weight Loss

Introducing Country Oaks Animal Hospital’s Canine Treadmill for Exercise & Weight Loss
We are proud to announce the installation of a new Jog-A-Dog® treadmill designed specifically for dogs. The treadmill has variable speed control that can be gradually increased to provide an optimal workout for the individual.
With speeds ranging from 1 to 12 mph, this model permits changing the incline to suit the pet’s stride and strength.

Land and water treadmills are useful for weight loss, conditioning during rehabilitation from injury and conditioning for sports.
They are also a fabulous way to provide active aerobic exercise during the blistering hot summer months. Between the heat and the rains, it can be challenging to provide active dogs with the exercise they need to stay fit and calm.
This particular canine treadmill was chosen after extensive research among the several currently being produced and it provides a long bed, which is essential for dog’s longer stride length. This is the model used by the dogs at the Westminster Dog Show for their fitness room!
For additional conditioning, we have hydrotherapy (underwater treadmill) in our sister facility, Steele Pain and Rehabilitation

Exercise is a safe, air-conditioned environment all year round
Develop or maintain muscle, strength and stamina
Improve overall health and well-being
Provide an outlet for pent up energy & reduce edgy or unruly behavior
Prevent obesity & associated health problems
Treat obesity when combined with a weight management program
Reduce risk of joint disease by improving musculoskeletal conditioning
Analyze & improve gait in athletes
Facilitate gait training in injured & disabled pets
Customized Exercise Plans for Every Pet

We can tailor an exercise program to meet your pet’s specific needs whether you have a boisterous youngster that needs an outlet for all that energy or an older pet struggling with obesity.
We recommend two to three weekly sessions initially.
For dogs that are already fit and athletic, the emphasis will be on conditioning and endurance training. For the couch potato striving to become fit, a more gradual approach is used with multiple short periods of exercise each session to gradually build muscle and improve fitness with each workout.
The weight loss program includes dietary counseling to provide assistance with caloric intake modification in addition to the exercise program which seeks to increase muscle mass, stimulate the pet’s metabolism and burn more calories. Treadmill workouts are a nice option for extra exercise for our boarding pets during the hot summer months also.
Disabled or injured pets will be managed by the rehabilitation team for controlled gait training as part of their overall rehabilitation program.